The largest three-dimensional shake table is now being constructed in Hyogo prefecture, Japan for a solution of fracturing process of structures, buildings, and soils. However, it seems to be difficult to measure the fracturing processes of the structures during severe earthquake by using conventional methods and equipment, because the three-dimensional measurement of larger dynamic displacement in excess of elastic region of the structure will be the key to a solution and cannot be obtained by any of the vibration pick-ups such as displacement transducers and so on. In this study, R&D of the new measurement method to clarify the fracturing process of the structures by applying a so-called motion capture technique, which has been mainly studied for modeling of human actions and motions. This paper describes the concept of the system, the outline of the proto-type image processing system developed in the study and the results of the shake table test using five-story steel-structure model to investigate the measurable accuracy of the system.

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Taniguchi, K., 1996, Handbook for Image Processing, Kyoritsu Shuppan.
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