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Handbook of Integrated and Sustainable Buildings Equipment and Systems, Volume I: Energy Systems
Jorge E. Gonzalez
Jorge E. Gonzalez
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Moncef Krarti
Moncef Krarti
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

As system integration becomes the norm in HVAC systems in buildings where energy conservation and efficiency are the main concern, more interdependency is built-in into system components, more variables are being monitored and controlled, and more data is available for equipment, system, and user domains. This increase in complexity and real-time information is leading toward new techniques and technologies for equipment and system level monitoring, supervision, and fault detection, some of which have emerged in commercial applications. However, there is a wealth of opportunities to enhance and integrate new and on-going research in automated fault detection techniques in building management systems (BMS), or stand-alone HVAC control and supervision applications, to increase system performance, efficiency, and quality of service.

This chapter presents a review of the different types of approaches of fault-detection techniques, state-of-the-art discoveries in the field, referenced applications to industrial and HVAC settings, commercial applications with embedded fault-detection ability, challenges to be addressed in this field, and a case study of implementation of automated fault detection in a district cooling application.

Introduction to Alarm Management and Fault Detection and Diagnosis
Classification of Fault Detection Methods
Recent Advances in Fault Detection for HVAC Systems
Industrial and HVAC Applications of Fault Detection Methods
Challenges in FDD Application to Buildings and HVAC Systems
Case Study Fault Detection System for a District Cooling Systems
Conclusions and Future Works
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