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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Technology and Security
Hao Xie
Hao Xie
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Mehmet OZKAN,
Sevilla University
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ASME Press
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As we all know, connection service is the most important service of all the network services. In the layered network system, we divide it into connection-oriented service and connectionless service. With the rapid development of the internet, traditional connection service has had difficultly meeting the needs proposed by new applications. In order to solve this problem, we begin with three aspects, such as connection procedure, connection architecture and connection pattern, specifically classify the connection service and abstractly describe the connection model. At the same time, combined with the service-customizable network system that our laboratory proposed, we detail the principle of the connection process unit to provide a basis for further in-depth study.

I. Introduction
II. Service-customizable network architecture
III. Connection model
IV. Conclusion
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