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Turbo/Supercharger Compressors and Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion in WWII: Theory, History and Practice—Guidance from the Past for Modern Engineers and Students
Karl Kollmann
Karl Kollmann
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Calum E. Douglas
Calum E. Douglas
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S. Can Gülen
S. Can Gülen
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High rotational speeds of the impeller call for careful bearing design and layout, not just those on the supercharger impeller shaft itself but also on any preceding shafts, which may run at lower speed. The question of whether to use plain (journal) bearings or rolling element bearings can only be decided after a complete evaluation of the overall design of the supercharger drive system in question. Journal bearings are in general smaller in outside diameter and despite the higher overall length have a lower weight than rolling element bearings. Journal bearings demand several times the lubricating oil flow rate than rolling element bearings, and they also exhibit high sensitivity to particulates in the oil and the overall quality thereof.

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