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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, 5th (ICACTE 2012)
Xie Yi
Xie Yi
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ASME Press
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In this paper we have analyzed the use of Semantic Web ontology for e-learning systems in higher education. We have stressed the need for developing educational models that meet the expectations of higher education community with regards to e-learning adaptation and efficiency by employing ontology and Semantic Web techniques. The design of the educational ontology represents the first step in creating an ontology-based e-learning system. There are a series of improvements and features that have to be added to the ontology, aside to the actual creation of the e-learning system itself. Web agent capabilities have to be carefully identified according to their required presence within a certain part of the platform. A uniform language must be established prior to their creation in order to assure interoperability. In this paper, a user interface to the ontology system has to be created.

1. Introduction
2. Ontologies in Education
3. Educational Ontology
4. Conclusion
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