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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Computer Intelligence (ICCCI 2011)
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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Image segmentation is a fundamental problem in image processing, the traditional watershed image segmentation algorithm has a simple, intuitive, and many other advantages, however, there are over-segmentation, great impact of noise and difficulty for image pre-processing problems etc. so that propose an improved algorithm based on morphological reconstruction, which can solve the noise problem and the reducing difficulty of pre-treatment and improve the segmentation results. In the traditional watershed algorithm, apply a faster sorting algorithm, a reasonable course of treatment uncertainties in flood, it is quick and effective for image segmentation. Experiments show that the algorithm can effectively eliminate the phenomenon of over-segmentation, and good to improve the computing speed and accuracy for watershed algorithm.

1. Introduction
2. Removal of Over-Segmentation
3. Improved Watershed Algorithm
4. Experimental Results and Analysis
5. Conclusion
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