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Fluid Mechanics, Water Hammer, Dynamic Stresses, and Piping Design
R. Leishear
R. Leishear
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ASME Press
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This chapter on piping design could just as well follow the chapter on fluid transients, but some of the pipe failures used to describe transients are related to piping design. Consequently, the basics of piping design are first introduced. Piping design constitutes entire textbooks and is the subject of piping design Codes and computer programs used to design to those Codes. Accordingly, a complete set of design rules for piping is outside the scope of this text. The intent here is to provide a basic introduction to piping design as a foundation to consider the effects of fluid transients on pipe systems.

3.1 Piping and Pressure Vessel Codes and Standards
3.2 Pipe Material Properties
3.3 Pipe System Design Stresses
3.4 Hydrostatic Pressure Tests
3.5 Summary of Piping Design
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