
The photovoltaic effect takes place at the junction of two semiconducting materials. The relation between energy (E) of light (photons) and wavelength (lambda) is given the energy of the incident photons is inversely proportional to their wavelengths. Violet is the Short-wavelength radiation, occupy the end of the electromagnetic spectrum which includes ultraviolet radiation and gamma rays. On the other hand, long-wavelength radiation occupies the red end and includes infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves. The wavelengths of visible light occur between 400 and 700 nm, so the bandwidth wavelength for silicon solar cells is in the very near-infrared range. Any radiation with a longer wavelength, such as microwaves and radio waves, lacks the energy to produce, electricity from a solar cell. The cost-efficiency of photovoltaic solar panels maybe reducing by reflection losses is a major field of study in the solar glass market. The color from glass cover is an important factor for the performance of photovoltaic panels as it can turn out to be an active component in the design of PV panels. Indeed, different glass covers perform very differently under direct and diffuse radiance. Several factors poignant the parameters of the solar cells, wherever these factors influence the performance on the solar cells. An experiment was carried out to investigate current interdependence on each color’s wavelength, and to give the effect regarding color cover, what part of the light of spectrum would produce a maximum power out, and also the effect of changing the wavelength (color) on short circuit current, and open voltage circuit. The results show the smallest value of maximum power in the violet zone and the biggest value of maximum power in the red zone.

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