In this paper, experimental results on collision avoidance of autonomous ship manoeuvres are discussed. The collision avoidance experiments are conducted on a navigation & control platform that has been presented in a mathematical formulation as well as in an experimental setup. The mathematical formulation of collision avoidance consists of three systems: vessel traffic monitoring and information system (VTMIS), collision avoidance system (CAS), and vessel control system (VCS). The experimental platform of collision avoidance consists of a physical system that has been used to generate experimental results. The experimental platform is further divided into two sections: vessel model and navigation & control platform. The vessel model consists of a scale ship, where the CAS is implemented. The navigation & control platform consists of hardware structure and software architecture that supported for vessel model navigation. Two ship collision situations are considered in this study, where one ship is implemented under the vessel model and another ship is simulated. Finally, the successful collision avoidance results with respect various collision situations are presented.

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