The objective of this work is to study the effect of carbon nanobrushes embedded within hydrogel composites on tissue engineering. The carbon nanobrushes, providing electrical conductivity to the hydrogels, influence the growth and proliferation of clinically relevant cell lines within the hydrogel composite. The composite is comprised of carbon nanobrushes embedded in a biocompatible poloxamer gel. This work assesses the ability of such composite gels to support the growth of tissue by studying fibroblasts and myoctes, which serve as indicators on the feasibility of this platform eventually serving as a matrix to stimulate wound closure and repair injured tissue. In such a model, fibroblasts and myocytes are seeded separately on the composite hydrogel and bathed in culture medium. The experimental model assesses the ability of fibroblasts and myocytes to grow into and adhere to the gel containing carbon nanobrushes. The work demonstrates that carbon nanobrushes can be dispersed within poloxamer gels, and that fibroblasts and myoctyes can proliferate within a poloxamer gel containing homogenously dispersed carbon nanobrushes. The work also examines the role of the carbon nanobrushes in altering the physical properties of the hydrogel composite. This work has relevance for tissue engineering and tissue regeneration in clinical medicine, with a focus on utilizing biomimetic and bioinspired materials, like the carbon nanobrushes, to enhance growth capabilities.

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