Many 2D mechanical models have been developed to simulate liquid sloshing of a partially filled tank with different shapes. However, those models don’t represent properly the complex liquid motion, especially in the case of the portable tanks. Indeed, forces exerted on the fluid can be lateral, longitudinal and vertical. Then, liquid displacement and pressure forces applied to the tank walls are undervalued and can cause design flaws. In this case, 2D mechanical models are ineffective for the simulation of liquid motion properly. It this study a 3D equivalent mechanical model has been developed. This dynamical model is used to simulate different liquid motion in a partially filled tank that take into account any sort of excitement forces and get more accurate results in terms of displacements and pressure forces. Afterward, various tank forms and their compatibility with the 3D model are discussed, such as circular, modified oval and modified trapezoidal sections. Finally, equations of motion are developed for each tank shape.

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