The refrigerant mixtures provide an important direction in selecting new environment-friendly alternative to match the desirable properties with the existing halogenated refrigerants or future use in the new devices, in which, HFCs refrigerants with zero ODP combined with HCs refrigerants with zero ODP and lower GWP are of important value in the fields of application. In the present work, research on HFC125/HC290 (25/75 by mass) binary refrigerant mixture used in heat pumps was carried out, and parameters, factors affecting the performance were investigated, and compared with that of HCFC22 under the same operating conditions. It has been found that the new mixture can improve the actual COP by 2 to 13% and hence it can reduce the energy consumption by 20 to 31.5%. The overall performance has proved that the new refrigerant mixture could be a promising substitute for HCFC22.

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