
This paper presents a network based implementation of real-time dynamic simulation methods. An interactive animated graphics environment is presented that permits the engineer to view high quality animated graphics rendering of dynamic performance, to interact with the simulation, and to study the effects of design variations, while the simulation is being carried out. An industry standard network computing system is employed to interface the parallel processor that carries out the dynamic simulation and a high speed graphics processor that creates and displays animated graphics. Multi-windowing and graphics processing methods that are employed to provide visualization and operator control of the simulation are presented. A vehicle dynamics application is used to illustrate the methods developed and to analyze communication bandwidth requirements for implementation with a compute server that is remote from the graphics workstation. It is shown that, while massive data sets are generated on the parallel processor during realtime dynamic simulation and extensive graphics data are generated on the workstation during rendering and display, data communication requirements between the compute server and the workstation are well within the capability of existing networks.

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