Light in the near-infrared wavelength range can penetrate deeping into biological tissues because the absorption by both water and hemoglobin is much smaller than in the other wavelength ranges. Oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobins have different light absorption characteristics. Therefore, by obtaining tomographic images of the absorption characteristics, it will be possible to know the hemodynamics inside deep tissues. Thus, the diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is expected as a new modality of biomedical imaging. In this study, we try to obtain DOT images of the forearms by conducting two types of exercise, and their differences caused by the muscle activity are discussed. By comparing the reconstructed DOT images with the magnetic resonance images of the forearm at the same position, the activated muscles can be identified in detail. As a result, the hemodynamics in the dominant muscles when performing flexion and extension of wrist are observed.

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